#BeCreative Academy // Arno de Bruijn
Elevate your creativity, and Off-Camera Flash Skills to the next level and beyond, and let grow your photography business!
I’ll teach you step-by-step how to work creatively with creative techniques and learn to rock your Off-Camera Flashes
Elevate your OCF Skills
Every month, new tutorials & lessons are added to #HowWeShotit + Online Courses! Elevate your skills to a higher level
Let's create images with creative impact
Lots of photographers find it hard to use a speedlite and therefore rather leave the speedlights in their bags. Did you know that there are endless possibilities and that there is a lot of creativity out there if you start using your speedlights? Learn to see the creative potential in boring locations and learn to create awesome work. Sometimes you need a fresh perspective to unleash your creativity and become more comfortable with Creative Lighting and Creative Techniques.
Step-by-Step E-learning // Online Workshop
Yes, you can! Learn to control Off-Camera Flash + MagMod like a boss! We can help you and we’ll teach you everything you need to know to become more creative. We’ll teach you the process behind creative images, from how to convert an ordinary environment into something awesome.
Online Workshop Off-Camera Flash + MagMod + Lightroom
☑️ 100+ Video classes (10+ hours of education)
☑️ You can re-watch the lessons anytime
☑️ Private E-learning environment
☑️ English or Dutch spoken with on-location tutorials
☑️ Hard copy book with Techniques & Lighting recipes
☑️ Learn how to use flash during each part of the day
☑️ Lightroom Editing from RAW (SOOC) to Final Edit
☑️ Tips & Tricks
Online Flits Workshop // Off-Camera Flash // Online Workshops
I like to help other photographers succeed in their Business, Off-Camera Light Skills, and Creativity. Step out of your comfort-zone and learn to create awesome images that have a “WOW” factor. Tired of failing to be creative under pressure? I’m dedicated to teaching you everything about creative photography. Learn, inspire, and create! I’ll teach you how to control your Flash like a boss! What are you waiting for?
Online Flits Workshop // Alles in één cursus flitsen
Alles over flitsen in één handige Flits Cursus en inclusief écht Boek + Flitscards! Leer alles over On-Camera Flitsen en Off-Camera fltsen, maar ook alles over MagMod.
Met mijn flitsworkshop ga ik zorgen dat jij voortaan met vertrouwen je flitsers uit je fototas haalt. Je gaat leren werken met Off Camera Flash (OCF) en krijgt stap-voor-stap uitleg over het instellen van je camera, zender en flitser (Master & Slave) en ik leer je werken met het revolutionaire MagMod systeem (lichtmodifiers), maar ook leer ik je uiteraard alles over effectief werken met On-Camera Flash!
Next Level Workshop // Off-Camera Flash + MagMod
Lift up your Photography & Off-Camera Flash skills to the Next Level! Create awesome creative images that have a “WOW” factor. Empower your photography, and creativity skills.
I’ll teach you step-by-step how to work creatively with creative techniques and learn to rock your Off-Camera Flashes, Creative Techniques, and Lightroom. The Next Level isn’t just a course; it’s a transformation to learn and embrace the skills of the Art of Shaping Creativity & Light. Learn to see the creative potential in boring locations, and create awesome work. Spoken English classes + Step-by-Step Instruction Watch as often as you like
Learn to work with Off-camera Flash like a Pro
I will teach you the Creative & Fundamental Skills of how to use Off-Camera Flash and creative techniques. With my extensive experience as a professional wedding photographer, I’ll teach you the process behind creative images, handling challenging lighting situations, and turning almost any difficult lighting or boring location into awesome.