
Online Workshop Off-Camera Flash + MagMod

Learn fast, awesome and creative lighting techniques from Magmod & Profoto Ambassador Arno de Bruijn.

#BeCreative Academy // Arno de Bruijn

video classes + E-Book

Video classes with practice assignments for both beginners and professionals.

Feedback & Critique

Have your assignments critiqued in our private #BeCreative Academy Group.

Creative assignments

Photography and Flash(Light) assignments to stimulate your skills and creativity.

Let's create images with creative impact

Lots of photographers find it hard to use a speedlite and therefore rather leave the speedlights in their bags. Did you know that there are endless possibilities and that there is a lot of creativity out there if you start using your speedlights? Do you want to take your photography & flash skills to the next level? And take better, more professional and creative photos? Do you want to take pictures that have a “wow” factor? 

Yes, you can! Learn to control Off-Camera Flash + MagMod like a boss! We can help you and we’ll teach you everything you need to know to become more creative. We’ll teach you the process behind creative images, from how to convert an ordinary environment into something awesome.


Private learning environment

👉 Become a Pro with Off-Camera Light
👉 Learn to create AWESOME images
👉 How to work with MagMod & modifiers
👉 How to #BeCreative with MagMod
👉 How to choose the best lighting settings
👉 The process behind creative images
👉 Access to a private education community

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Learn to work with Off-camera Flash like a Pro

Due to his many years of experience as a professional portrait and wedding photographer, but also as a mentor / coach for the SiNTLucas, the Graphic Lyceum and the FotoVakschool, Arno can challenge you without getting frustrated. Arno is a recognized teacher for the SBB (Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and Economic Affairs) and has been helping creative and photography students with their education for years.

Arno de Bruijn Workshops Flitsen en Flitscursus

Arno has been speaking at the Photo Festival (Antwerp – Belgium), WPPI (Las Vegas – USA), Floricolor Seminars (Portugal), Masters Seminar (Den Bosch – NL), Professional Imaging (Nijkerk – NL),  Fashion Show Potowalk (Las Vegas – USA), Profoto Seminar (Radio Kootwijk). He is also an author of a number of creative photography and Off Camera Flash books and has received many awards like Fearless Awards, WPS Awards and lifetime Master of Photography Awards.

Online Workshop Off-Camera Flash + MagMod

✅  50+ Video classes (10+ hours of education)
✅  You can re-watch the lessons anytime
✅  Private E-learning environment
✅  English spoken with on-location examples
✅  E-Book with Techniques & Lighting recipes
✅  Learn how to use flash during each part of the day
✅  Assignment feedback & critique
✅  Tips & Tricks

"By sharing our passion and knowledge, we make the creative world and ourselves better"

© 2024 A&A // TIB // #BeCreative®